Hervé Gagnon’s Favourite Places

Published on May 14, 2019

Historian, museologist and author, Hervé Gagnon loves to give us the shivers with his historically and even somewhat fantasy inspired thrillers. Here’s a surprising tour of his favourite haunts.

By Julie Roy

Lake Massawippi. The author lives so close to the lake, in the Canton de Hatley township, that he can almost touch it. “When I’m working, I have the lake right in front of me and beyond it, I see all the mountains that form my landscape. It’s the perfect panorama for writing I think: between the lake and the mountains!”

The Axe de la Massawippi. If you’re biking on this section of the Trans-Canada trail, in Sherbrooke, you might encounter the author, an avid cyclist, as he’s cycling here while holding his Dictaphone to record his ideas for upcoming novels. “Being in contact with nature allows me to empty my head and to find new inspiration,” he explains. By the river, there is an abundance of fauna: we see foxes and turtles regularly, for example.

Crédit : @wonderirie

The Musée international d’art naïf de Magog. This ex-museum director loves to wander about here. The only Canadian museum dedicated to naïve art, it has a collection of 850 works by 271 artists from 34 countries. “It’s a place where you’re sure to be in a better mood after a visit!” says the author.

The Golden Rule Masonic Hall, in Stanstead. It’s a well-known fact, certain places are shrouded with an air of mystery. For Hervé Gagnon, this lodge, located just beside the Anglican Christ Church is one of these places. “It dates back to 1860 and everything inside has been recently restored, including its frescoes. It’s absolutely magnificent,” he explains. They sometimes hold an open-house event, but it’s rather rare.

Crédit : La Maison du cinéma

La Maison du Cinéma. When Hervé Gagnon feels like watching a good movie, he always ends up going to La Maison du Cinéma, located on King West, in the heart of the city of Sherbrooke. “There, I usually find quality films presented in their original version. Plus, their rates are fair and allow us to enjoy an entertaining evening without breaking the bank!”

News about the author

Last year, Hervé Gagnon published Adolphus, in his Joseph Laflamme detective series at Libre Expression, which will also be published by 10 - 18, a French publishing house. He’s presently concentrating on esoteric detective stories. You can also follow him on social media.
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