Recycled Glass in the Spotlight
We’re simply and absolutely bedazzled, the moment we walk in Caroline Couture’s Boutiverre boutique-workshop, in the town of Knowlton. Her creations, 80% of which are lamps, are made with recycled glass bottles! They’re amazing to look at, and her technique is quite unique.
By Natalie Sicard
Offering original and unusual textures and shapes, her sometimes rustic, sometimes ultramodern pieces, are inspired by each bottle’s specificity (whether wine, beer, spirits), she retrieves from local businesses. However, Eska sparkling water bottles are her favourite. “Because they’re made with a thick and very uniform glass which makes them easy to work with,” she’s able to fashion 4 different shapes and thus produce a collection carrying its own name.
She was inspired to work with glass in this unconventional way and to opt for a 100% eco-responsible production during an internship in New Zealand while completing her DEC at the Cégep du Vieux-Montréal’s Espace VERRE. “My ecological inclination directed me towards recycled glass.” So, instead of using new glass nuggets and a furnace operating all day long, she opted for glass that has already been transformed, which she partially melts before moulding it. She then uses different techniques to create her wonderful textured finishes. For instance, one of her signature brand designs is obtained by fusing wood ashes to the glass material, but her crackled or “frosted” finishes are just as impressive!
With oven temperatures reaching 1200 degrees, she works mostly in the evening when her shop is closed. During the day she finishes her production by adding all the electrical hardware, a craft she has perfected and in which she has become a certified expert. She also holds a B. Ed. for elementary teaching and enjoys welcoming clients and visitors to her workshop where she gladly explains all the different steps for creating her artwork. In fact, she’s the only glassblower in Quebec to work with 100% recycled glass. Something to be truly proud of!
For more information
For more information, operating hours, making an appointment (in person or with ZOOM) simply consult Boutiverre website.
Her address book
For savouring delicious artisanal roasted coffee, she loves stopping by at Virgin Hill Coffee Roasters or just picking up a latte when she’s in the area. (They offer a drive-through service.)
For enjoying a drink or a good meal, the restaurant (Mistral in the summer, and Alizé in winter) of the Domaine Jolivent is also a must. The same goes for La Knowlton Co. where she can savour beer brewed by local brewing artisans.
For a visit abounding with different flavours, Le Vignoble du Ruisseau in Dunham, offers an enchanting setting and a “boutique overflowing with delicious products.” They’re all made with organically grown ingredients from their garden or their sugar bush.
- A snowboard enthusiast, even if she rarely finds the time to practise this sport, she’s quite familiar with what our area mountains have to offer: Bromont for its night skiing trails and Sutton for all its glade trails.