Art, culture & heritage

Covered bridges of the Southern Eastern Townships

15 stops

In the 19th century, there were hundreds of covered bridges throughout the Townships, a legacy left behind by early Anglophone settlers. Today, only 15 of the heritage structures remain. While a handful remain functional and are still useful for crossing stream and rivers, their historical significance and beauty far outshines their practicality. Intrigued? This circuit is the perfect way to learn about the history of covered bridges and the different types you’ll find the area. Spot them all!

To learn more about covered bridges strewn throughout the Eastern Townships, it's here!

Package Deals

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An Unsual Summer Activity!


​​Save taxes on the Family Package of the Budding Beekeeper activity!
Starting at $65CAD
For a family (2 adults ans 2 children of 17 years old and younger) / Taxes included, Gratuities included

A Musical Journey in the Eastern Towships


Get a 10% to 20% discount on the purchase of two concerts or more across the Eastern Townships​!
Rejuvenate your skin!

North Hatley

20 % off facial treatments at the Spa Manoir Hovey!

With the arrival of spring, treat yourself to a well-deserved revitalization with the custom treatments of the Spa Manoir Hovey. Get ready to shine for the upcoming season and fully embrace this period of renewal.

Also obtain 15 % on Eminence exfoliation and mask products to maintain the results of the treatment offered at home.


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